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Re: "Roumant", or whatever it will be called. PART I

From:Vasiliy Chernov <bc_@...>
Date:Tuesday, October 17, 2000, 13:33
Hey Christophe, it seems that feminine nouns, even with articles, mostly
don't distinguish the numbers in pronunciation. Or am I wrong? Does <-es>
differ from <-e>? And what about feminines having no silent <e>-ending?


On Tue, 17 Oct 2000 11:36:09 +0200, Christophe Grandsire
<christophe.grandsire@...> wrote:
>The definite article: >It corresponds roughly to "the" and agrees in gender and number with >the noun it completes: >masculine singular: e /@/ >feminine singular: a /a/ >masculine plural: ès /E/ >feminine plural: as /a/
>The indefinite article: >It corresponds to "a", but exists as well in the singular as in the
>masculine singular: um /9~/ >feminine singular: une /yn/ >masculine plural: ums /9~/ >feminine plural: unes /yn/
>Plural is generally formed by adding -s (not pronounced except in case of >liaison).