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Latin-1 English Pronunciation Key

From:BP Jonsson <bpj@...>
Date:Sunday, September 10, 2000, 9:21
I spotted the Merriem-Webster Online Pronunciation Key and felt prompted
(revolted actually :-)> to propose an improved version!

/ä/ as {a} and {u} in _abut_
/ï/ as {e} in _kitten_
/ër/ as ur/er in _further_
/æ/ as {a} in _ash_
/á/ as {a} in _ace_
/å/ as {o} in _mop_
/áù/ as {ou} in _out_
/c/ as {ch} in _chin_
/e/ as {e} in _bet_
/ê/ as {ea} in _easy_
/g/ as {g} in _go_
/i/ as {i} in _hit_
/î/ as {i} in _ice_
/j/ as {j} in _job_
/ñ/ as {ng} in _sing_
/ô/ as {o} in _go_
/o/ as {aw} in _law_
/ø/ as {oy} in _boy_
/¢/ as {th} in _thin_
/¤/ as {th} in _the_
/û/ as {oo} in _loot_
/u/ as {oo} in _foot_
/y/ as {y} in _yet_
/ç/ as {sh} in _ship_
/ß/ as {si} in _vision_

The reason I didn't use þ and ð (thorn and eth) for the "th" sounds is that
these are not generally available on Macintoshes.  Netscape will replace
them with question marks...

The original Merriem-Webster version:

\&\ as a and u in abut
\&\ (superscript) as e in kitten
\&r\ as ur\er in further
\a\ as a in ash
\A\ as a in ace
\ä\ as o in mop
\au\ as ou in out
\ch\ as ch in chin
\e\ as e in bet
\E\ as ea in easy
\g\ as g in go
\i\ as i in hit
\I\ as i in ice
\j\ as j in job
\[ng]\ as ng in sing
\O\ as o in go
\o\ as aw in law
\oi\ as oy in boy
\th\ as th in thin
\[th]\ as th in the
\ü\ as oo in loot
\u\ as oo in foot
\y\ as y in yet
\zh\ as si in vision

/BP 8^)>
  B.Philip Jonsson (delete X)
"Truth, Sir, is a cow which will give [skeptics] no more milk,
and so they are gone to milk the bull."
                                    -- Sam. Johnson (no rel. ;)