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Re: kinaa umtui ymi - New conlang

From:Yann Kiraly <yann_kiraly@...>
Date:Sunday, November 7, 2004, 11:40
I used hy and hu because the other 3 vowels were already used on the
binding-markers. And I also didn'T want y to occur to offten, because it
is somewhat hard to pronounce for some people. But I think hy and hu can
be distinguished even in fast speech, because the difference between front
and backvowels is often bigger than between rounded or non-rounded vowels
(e.g. u,y vs.o,u). But I'm not a linguist, so I may be wrong. Anyway, I
don't really care what it 'should' be like, sine hy and hu work just fine
for me. Here's an example sentence that uses both:
NB: non-binding
SB: single-binding
DB: double-binding

jene-a liha-i umtu-a al-e jene-a liha-i-hy kua jene-a su- jene- liha-i-hu

I-NB be-SB human-NB and-DB I-NB be-SB-FUTURE bird/angel/soul-NB but-DB I-
NB be-SB-PAST dirt-NB
I am a human and I will be a bird/angel/soul but I was dirt.

And y is easier to pronounce as a suffix if it is seperated from the word
by a consonant.