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Re: [DISC] Is Language Creation Art?

From:Jan van Steenbergen <ijzeren_jan@...>
Date:Thursday, March 14, 2002, 11:40
I don't know anymore to what messages I'm replying,
because the whole discussion about hobby/art and
craft/art got rather mixed up. Anyway, I'd like to
jump in with a few remarks.

1. Why can't art be a hobby? Hobby doesn't necessarily
means some stupid activity like watching TV shows or
the like!? It's just one's favourite thing to do in
his spare time. If that would be something creative,
and on a high level, that's for the better. Let's not
forget, that some of the greatest artists in history
were amateurs, or if you like, hobbyists! America's
greatest composter of the 20th century, Charles Ives,
earnt his money as an insurance man, while recognition
for his music came only decennia later. Besides, it's
almost impossible to make your living with writing
music (especially when this is the music you want to
write instead of the music they want to hear)...

2. I think it is wrong to make a severe distinction
between art and craft. One might argue that art begins
where craft ends, but this is only partly the truth.
In fact, art cannot exist without craft. No one can be
a good painter not knowing about mixing colours, about
different sorts of paint, etc. No one can be a good
performing musician without a good technique. If you
ask me, another composer, I would say:  5 % is talent,
5 % is inspiration, and all the rest is just craft and
hard work.

3. Is conlanging art? Well, why not? If art is defined
as the sum of craft and inspiration, then conlanging
is definitely a form of art. But the truth is: art
becomes art only then, when it is recognised as such
by other people than just the artist and his fellow
craftsmen. In my opinion, conlanging is a mixture of
art, craft and science; how our products are to be
looked upon by future generations, is up to them. And
frankly, I don't care that much.


"You know, I used to think it was awful that life was so unfair. Then I thought,
wouldn't it be much worse if life were fair, and all the terrible things that
happen to us come because we actually deserve them? So, now I take great
comfort in the general hostility and unfairness of the universe." --- J.
Michael Straczynski

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