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Re: "Abilitative" aspect?

From:David Peterson <digitalscream@...>
Date:Thursday, October 24, 2002, 15:19
Ian wrote:

<<Does anyone know of an existing language (conlangs included) that marks
any of these?>>

Most of my languages mark all of them.   I usually just make up names.   I've
used the "abilitive" rather than the "abiliTAtive" for "to be able to", the
"permissive" for "to be allowed to", and the "desirative" for, actually,
wanting to do something.   However, if, in English, you say, "I'm willing to
run", that's something completely different from "I want to run", isn't it?
The first indicates that you really would rather not, but, if worse comes to
worse, you'll do it.   Either that, or you're placing some sort of special
importance on it.   I'd call it just the "voluntary" rather than the
"voluntive" since it looks less clunky.


"imDeziZejDekp2wilDez ZejDekkinel..."
"You can celebrate anything you want..."
               -John Lennon