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yall, youse, youguys...

From:Carlos Thompson <carlos_thompson@...>
Date:Monday, August 16, 1999, 12:43
I wonder if in fifty years English will have the same dialectal differenc=
in the second person plural Spanish has in the secon person singular.

Let's say _yall_ in Southern US, _yous_ in Northwestern US, _you guys_ in
many other parts of the English speaking world...

Kind of our _t=FA_, _vos_, _usted_, _sumerc=E9_ differences in the Spanis=
speaking world.

-- Carlos Th (who speaks a _t=FA_/_usted_ dialect)
   Chlewey Thompin                              ## ####     ## ## ##
------------------------------------------------##-## ##
   - =BFPor qu=E9 no?
   - No tiene sentido.
   - =BFQu=E9 sentido?  El sentido no existe.
   - El sentido inverso.  O el sentido norte.  El sentido com=FAn, tal ve=
z.  O
sin sentido, como aqu=ED.
    (-- Graeville 2)