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Re: Ah-ha! New computer, YANC and fluency

From:Herman Miller <hmiller@...>
Date:Thursday, April 13, 2000, 4:48
On Wed, 12 Apr 2000 00:13:38 -0400, "M. Sherryandra Soderquist"
<tuozin@...> wrote:

>Why another one? I mean, do I need another one? I still have >ea-luna to work on, and I have SO MANY other languages at various >stages!
On the other hand, why not another one? I used to sketch out dozens of languages and pick out one or two to develop in more depth. I actually got some use out of them. But the last couple years I've been stuck working on a small number of huge projects that never seem to end, and so far I haven't had any practical use for Tirelat or Ludireo. Tirelat changes so frequently that I haven't written anything more involved than "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" and "If you seek a pleasant peninsula, look around you". I've been spending all that time creating and organizing the vocabulary. Ludireo was doomed from the start to be a time-consuming project, with all its vocabulary selected from dozens of natlangs. I've actually been thinking about starting a bunch of new projects the way I used to work, starting right out with text in the language, creating vocabulary and syntax as the need arises.
>I am not fluent in any of my languages. I used to know quite a >lot of ea-luna when I was keeping a diary in it, but that has >been quite a long time ago. Right now I am working on regaining >my fluency and literacy in Spanish. I have a list of conlangs on >my "Fluency Wish List". Here are my top 5 lists:
I've never been fluent in anything but English. I knew Olaetyan pretty well, though. But if I did have the time and patience to become fluent in a bunch of languages, these would be on the list: CONLANGS: 1. Azirian, the language of the furry people of Azir. I haven't even started developing this one yet, but it'll probably look like a cross between Zireen, Jarrda, and some of the Thrinn languages. 2. A new Elvish language, also as yet undesigned. 3. Jarrda, one of my favorites of the Kolagian languages. 4. Esperanto, because it's a classic. 5. Klingon, so that I can read Shakespeare in the original language! NATLANGS: There are so many languages that it would be cool to know. It's hard to decide. I'm sure Japanese would be on the list, just because I've put so much time, money, and effort into trying to learn it already, and it would be nice to get to the point where I can read Japanese web sites. I'd also like to learn Chinese well; I've been interested in Chinese ever since I took a class in my junior year of college, but I couldn't fit it into my schedule after that. I'd also like to refresh my Spanish, French, German, and Russian, which I had in high school and college. If I can ever find a copy of R.M.W. Dixon's grammars of Dyirbal and Yidiny that I borrowed from the MSU library way back when, I'd also like to learn those languages. I'll check if they're still there the next time I'm in Michigan. So let's see what my top 5 would be. Hmm.... 1. Japanese 2. Chinese 3. Finnish 4. Ancient Greek 5. Dyirbal No wonder I never got fluent in any of these languages. I can never decide which ones to study! -- languages of Azir------> ----<>--- Thryomanes/Herman Miller "If all Printers were determin'd not to print any h i l r i . o thing till they were sure it would offend no body, m l e @ o c m there would be very little printed." -Ben Franklin