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Re: MADJAL New corpus and some questions

From:Andrew W Soukup <aws@...>
Date:Saturday, July 3, 2004, 14:58
> Nobody has yet discovered how plurals are formed in > Madjal, or questions either.
temin - the demon i temin - the demons turac - the dragon i turac - the dragons
> For example, given the statement: > > Fadjo em Jan khi pulam. = John ignited the torch. > Scholars of Madjal have yet to discover how the > coresponding question is written: Did John ignite the > torch?
Jon khi pulam fadja. = John ignited the torch. Jon khi pulem fadja? = Did John ignite the torch. Mari khi me temina. = Mary frightened the demon. Mari khi mi temina? = Did Mary frighten the demon. Ulam khi distari. = The sheep stopped being. Ulam khi distaro? = Did the sheep stop being. Qasium khi rufito. = The horse ran away. Qasium khi rufitu? = Did the horse run away? Igen æru akia. = I want this. Igen æra akia? = Do I want this?
> And how is "Selam aki mwana ta'ha" turned into a > question?
Selam aki mwane ta'ha. Plus, Oha disavan turaca sor okhi voriam i ulama ta'Jon. I have kill the dragon that ate John's sheep.


Gary Shannon <fiziwig@...>