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Re: Grammatical Summary of Kemata

From:Almaran Dungeonmaster <dungeonmaster@...>
Date:Thursday, December 13, 2001, 11:31
Christophe Grandsire wrote:
> Ja, de leraars zijn goed.
I would say "leraren"... "leraars" is sloppy, and certainly not regular. I think "-s" plural forms occur only after unstressed -el, -er, -en (where /e/ is pronounced [@]) and vowels. (tafel-tafels, deken-dekens, meter-meters, collega-collega's but tabel-tabellen, with stress on the second syllable). People have a tendency to put -s behind anything which ends in a vowel plus -n, -r, -l, especially if the last syllable is unstressed, but that is not the rule (yet).
> Hoe denk je dat ik na maar vier weken zoveel Nederlands ken? :)))
But you still lack the dutch habit of putting meaningless interjections into your writing. I would have said: "Hoe denk je dat ik na nog maar vier weken al zoveel Nederlands kan?" Not that "nog" and "al" really add anything to the meaning, but I still think they should be there ;-)
> The teacher gave us an example with VOORstellen vs. voorSTELlen I > think, but I can't remember the meaning of voorSTELlen... (or was it
voordenken?) Neither can I... another nice one which I misread yesterday: OVERdrijven (to come floating over) E.g. "Toen we in de duikboot zaten, kwam er een grote ijsberg overdrijven" (As we were in the submarine, a big iceberg came floating over) overDRIJVEN (exaggerate) Usually with such verbs, the one with the stress on the prefix should be taken literally. Maarten


Christophe Grandsire <christophe.grandsire@...>