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Re: slaalehg ihkreen (was Re: Hullo

From:Stone Gordonssen <stonegordonssen@...>
Date:Wednesday, May 21, 2003, 5:04
>Steve, unfortunately, I dont think my sounds could help you much, as
"Stone", not "Steve". :-)
>they sound very un-serpentlike for the most part. It is mostly a pared down >selection of english sounds (kr, z, fl, v, th, k, f, n, d, t, g, tr, s, sl, >l, ft, st, and sh). The grammer is a bit more unusual. It
Ah, well, was worth asking.
>follows strict SVO, SV, or S. Adjectives and prepositions can be formed >from the nouns or verbs, and they can be recursive. Secondary (and
Tell me what you mean by "recursive"?
>tertiary? Does such a thing exist?) objects would typically be part of the >prepositional verb. I hope that makes sense.
I believe that I follow you, but could you provide an example from slaalehg ihkeen? _________________________________________________________________ Help STOP SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE*


Matt Trinsic <trinsic@...>