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Re: TECH: Testing again, no new on-topic content (was Re: "Language Creation" in your conlang)

From:Mark J. Reed <markjreed@...>
Date:Monday, November 17, 2003, 13:45
On Mon, Nov 17, 2003 at 02:46:07PM +0200, Isaac Penzev wrote:
> but restored 100% readable after manual resseting of the encodings. Btw, the > correct spelling is "сумасшедший".
Huh. I knew that it was a <е> rather than an <э>; that was a typo. But I didn't know about the <с>; that seems somewhat redundant when followed by <ш>. Then again, this is Slavicland, where the more consonants you can throw together, the better. :) In any case, спасибо! For bonus points: that Russian line is a direct quotation from popular fiction. Can you identify the source? For those not blessed with Unicode support, I supply a transcription herewith: ja nje suma'SedSiI; nu, vOt!
> Are another ranges readable? > Latin-2 -- One są piękne. Chcę pójść tam. > Armenian -- Ես սովորում եմ հայերեն։ > Georgian -- ქა?? თული ენა ლამაზია. > Greek -- ευχαριστώ > Hebrew -- שלום חברים
Those all came out fine, except for the last half of the first word of the Georgian, which shows up as two question marks. Not just *displayed* as question marks, but literal question marks, U+003F. -Mark


Isaac Penzev <isaacp@...>
Andreas Johansson <andjo@...>