At 1:58 am +0100 20/4/01, And Rosta wrote:
>...>> But the reverse change occasionly happens. In certain Yorshire dialects,
>> apparently, /gl/ --> /dl/ so that e.g. _gloom_ was pronounced [dlu:m] (I
>> suspect universal education & mass media has now made such pronunciations
>> obsolete :=(
>No -- [dlu:m] is still current in the North.
Great - glad to hear it :)
I should've known that Yorkshire folk would not succumb to the bland
mediocrity fostered by universal education & mass media.
PS - Yorkshire? The late Prime Minister Harold Wilson is reported to have
said on a visit to the US something like: "Yorkshire is to Britain what
Texas is to the USA."
A mind which thinks at its own expense
will always interfere with language.
[J.G. Hamann 1760]