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Re: A DISTURBING proposal! (was Re: Personal langs and converse of aux)

From:Roger Mills <romilly@...>
Date:Wednesday, February 7, 2001, 5:00
E-Ching Ng wrote:
>There's an American non-immigrant living downstairs from me who speaks only >conlang to her elder sister; they invented it as children and its lexicon >is fiercely guarded from everyone else, including their parents. Her >English certainly hasn't suffered - and they wouldn't give it up for >anything. Last I heard they were going to institute SOV word order, now >that they've both learnt Latin.>
Uh-oh, isn't there some way you could get them to reveal it to you, before they muck it up with Latin? ;-) Seriously, it sounds very interesting. I suppose there are similar cases that have been been reported, but probably mostly from quite young children--and often twins. This one sounds like it's been going on for a while (if they''re learning Latin, they would be teenagers at least?)