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Babel text

From:Adam Walker <dreamertwo@...>
Date:Sunday, February 21, 1999, 21:16
Here is the Bable text in q~'u^pl!.  To learn a little more (a VERY
little more) about q~'u^pl! you might check out the q~'u^pl! page at


        d~'yhr! ?~uhl!m!   th~'uhl! th~'uhl!t!     d~yh^k!  m#n~'uhn!
time    world-TOT  language language-DIM   happen   PA-speak

p#n~'uhn! p#m~y^q! *   m~y^w! pk~ipth! "SHINAR" q~uhq! ih   m#r~iw!
PP-speak  PP-have-one  people east      Shinar  plain  NRE: PA-travel

m#tk~i^m! y   p#m~u^l! p#l~yhn! *
PA-recive VRE:PP-find  PP-be-one

        q!pth~ym!    ih   n~in!     m#th~'yht! m#pk~yd!    p#q~'yhm!
3P-eachother NRE: a-speech  PA-say-to  PA-listen   PP-speak(to a group)

"n!pth~ym!    n~'uhw!n~ ih   t#pk~'y^l!t~    pth#q~'ipk! pth#p~'u^n!"
1PI-eachother brick-P   NRE: FA-come-PERMIS  FP-make     FP-bake   *

q!?~'un! n~'uhw! r~'un! c~'ihl! pl~ihq! m#p~yr! p#p~yr! y   p#p~yr!l!
3P-PPRON brick   sludge stone   mortar  PA-use  PP-use  VRE:PP-use-NEG

y   d~'yhr! q!?~'un! n~'in!   d~yh^k! m#th~'yht! p#q~'yhm! *
VRE:time    3P-PRON  a-speach happen  PA-say-to  PP-speak (to a group)

"n!pth~ym!    q~yn pl~upth! th~yht! t#n!pk~'y^l!t~      pth#c~ic! y
1PI-eachother city tower    heaven  FA-1PI-come-PERMIS  FP-build VRE:

pth#pl~'y^r! *  pk!?~'un! ih   ?~uhl!m!  pth#m~'uhpk!t~
FP-reach        2P-PRON   NRE: world-TOT FP-be-famous-PERMIS

pth#t~yh^m!l! t#q~'yh^th!l!" *
FP-scatter-NEG FA-recieve-NEG

        d~'yhr! pth~il! ih   q~yn! pl~upth! d'yh^k! m#l~yw!             time
Lord    NRE: city  tower    happen  PA-come-down

m#pl~'yhc!     p#p~un!  p#n~'ul! *  m~y^w! pl~upth! m#c~ic!  p#c~ic! *
PA-look-around PP-visit PP-look-at  people tower    PA-build PP-build

pth~il! n~'in!   m#th~'yht! p#q~'yhm! *          "m~y^w! th~'uhl! ih
Lord    a-speech PA-say-to  PP-speak (to a group) people language NRE:
l#l~'yhn!  l#?~uh^c!    !#n~uhn! *             q!?~'un! m~ym!
PRA-be-one PrA-have-one PrP-speak (a language) 3P-PRON  people

l#th~u^w! !#th~u^w! !#pl~uhq! *  q!?~'un! ih   n~'u^n!  t#?~'uh^n!
PrA-do    PrP-do    PrP-begin    3P-PORN  NRE: anything FA-plan

t#th~u^w! t#m~i?!l! *          pk!?~'un! q~yn! th~'uhl! q!pth~ym!
FA-do     FA-be-impossible-NEG 2P-PRON   city  language 3P-eachother

l#th~u^w!t~   pth#pth~i^pk! pth#t~yht! t#c~yhm!l! *      "d~'yhr!
PrA-do-PERMIS FP-go-toward  FP-confuse FA-understand-NEG  time

pth~il! q!?~'un! d~yh^k! m#t~yh^m!  p#t~yh^m! *  q~yn! ?~uhl!m!
Lord    3P-PRON  happen  PA-scatter PP-scatter   city  world-TOT

m~y^w! p#pl~uhq! m#q~'yh^th! p#q~'yh^th! *  m~y^w! q~yn! m#d~'ihpk!
people PP-empty  PA-recieve  PP-recieve     people city  PA-stop

p#c~ic!l! *

        m~yhl! q~yn! BABLE l#th~y^q! p#q~u?! p#n~'uhpth! *  th~uw!
        name   city  Bable PA-reveal PP-name PP-give        that-place

pth~il! th~'uhl! ?~uhl!m!  m#d~yh^k! m#t~yht!   p#t~yht!   p#pk~y^d! *
Lord    language world-TOT PA-happen PA-confuse PP-confuse PP-listen
BABLE pth~il! m~y^w! r~'ihc!m!   p#pl~uhq! m#t~yh^m!  m#m~im!
Bable Lord    people surface-TOT PP-empty  PA-scatter PA-go-out


So there it is.  What do you think??

Adam Walker

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