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Re: religious terms

From:Barry Garcia <barry_garcia@...>
Date:Monday, March 12, 2001, 10:39
>I believe the historic Chinese population in the Monterey area was indeed >Cantonese speaking. Almost all the early immigration to the Americas was >from Cantonese speaking areas. The other dialects you might want to look >at >are the Fujian dialects (Hokkien, Taiwanese, Amoy) and Hakka since these >groups are the other major groups of overseas Chinese (at least until >recent >years). But the Fujian and Hakka speakers settled, mostly, in other parts >of Asia.
I recall this also. There used to be a small, but decent sized fishing village not very far from where the Monterey Bay Aquarium stands (it burned down, probably arson). Squid and abalone fishing was the major industry. Squid was dried and shipped back to china, and this is how the settlers made money here in Monterey. Anyway, i'll figure something out for them ;).