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From:Mia Soderquist <happycritter@...>
Date:Saturday, April 26, 2008, 22:59
> > > Kash has (carefully disguised) Yiddish "loans": schmuck, tuckus, > meshugas et al...... I think someone once posted that "dali" was their > word for "art". Of course these don't qualify as totally humorous > COMLANGS. > >
"Dali" is ea-luna for "to paint (in the artistic sense)". Ea-luna was full of puns, inside jokes, and backdoor borrowing. No matter how hard I try, I can't help but put stuff like that into my languages. I tell myself that I am going to be totally serious next time, but I never manage to pull it off. Whenever I start coming up with names for things, and especially if I am just filling out vocabulary on a list, there's always the off chance of something like "dali" happening. I am surprised that I haven't yet used "itat" ("eat-at") for "table" in any of my conlangs yet. The "itat" would, of course, be located next to the "siton". I think Teliya Nevashi is pretty much free of silliness so far, but it is also very light on vocabulary yet. I am not going to make any promises on how it turns out in the end. M.


Lars Finsen <lars.finsen@...>
ROGER MILLS <rfmilly@...>