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Re: Weakly Vocab

From:takatunu <takatunu@...>
Date:Friday, January 23, 2004, 13:32
This weak I made 4 different batches as variations on one theme. I guess I
made a few English mistakes but I hope they are not to confusing.

Easy ones:

Please write to your friend in this room and with this pen an essay about
your conlang in your script but in English.
I baked the dough and the cake was soon baked.
This bottle was filled with wine and that other one was full of water.
Now both are empty so please refill them.

How Perceptive!:

Let me smell your flowers.
Can you smell them?
This flower smells of honey.
Flowers perfume the room with a heady scent.
When I look at you I see your father.
I tasted the grilled cricket and it tastes like chicken.
The snow-capped top appeared through the clouds.
My vision of the mountain is blurred like your vision of life is.
I am obsessed by her thought.
You look lost in your thoughts.


Our victory is your defeat.
My blow causes, and results in, your injury.
Your injury results from my blow.
I love you although you smell.
You smell but I still love you.
I'll accept if you beg me.
Your begging to me shall condition my acceptance.


The skulls hung dangling from the heavy pillars on which the thatched roof
Modern art--I pegged a chairleg into the trunk of a tree stemming from a


Muke Tever <hotblack@...>