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Re: CHAT: Phonemic status of English interdentals

From:Adrian Morgan <morg0072@...>
Date:Wednesday, October 9, 2002, 4:56
Tristan wrote:

> Much easier to tell the difference between [&] and [&:] (which only > have one debatable minimal pair---can and can)
1. "banner" (one who bans) vs "banner" (flag) 2. "banning" (participle of ban) / "Banning" (surname of former South Australian premier.
> or [8u] and [Ou]
I don't understand the rationale behind your choice of symbols. If [8u] is supposed to represent the diphthong in "ode", then surely [3\}] is a better transcription). [8] being higher than schwa and [3\] being lower, but both being central rounded vowels. I use [8] to denote the vowel in "bird". And there is a minimal pair - ode [3\}d] vs old [Oud], unless you speak a dialect in which /l/ is not reduced to [u] in this position. Adrian.


Tristan <kesuari@...>
Padraic Brown <elemtilas@...>