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Re: THEORY: Tagalog "Voice" (was: Voice, Mood, and Tense)

From:Irina Rempt-Drijfhout <ira@...>
Date:Thursday, June 24, 1999, 21:20
On Thu, 24 Jun 1999, Nik Taylor wrote:

> Kristian Jensen wrote:
> > Patient Focus > > "Ang sabon ay binili" > > TRG soap INV buy:PAT > > The soap was the item that was bought. > > Couldn't that just be translated as "The soap was bought"?
Probably "It was the soap that was bought". It seems to be focused on the soap (as opposed to the toothpaste, the milk, the bread...) Irina Varsinen an laynynay, saraz no arlet rastinay. (myself) (English) (Nederlands)