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Re: CHAT: programming langs

From:Charles <catty@...>
Date:Tuesday, November 16, 1999, 18:22
Lars Henrik Mathiesen wrote:

> Not the point... back then, your commands and number/text input were > actually echoed in a little input field in the lower left corner of > the screen, and the selected cell was updated when you pressed enter.
I think some spreadsheet programs still do that ... even M$ Works?
> I want a command line editor with parenthesis matching. Or did I just > not find out how to turn it on in bash yet?
There's also Midnight Commander (like my old favorite, X-Tree), vim and emacs; possibly one of those can do it. Or one could edit .bash_history ... Speaking of Spinradish: I suppose there is also a conlang buried within the Jargon files. It is certainly a twisted-enough variety of English. -- As they say in Tepa: hike waipettu.