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Re: Long Wer (was Re: Eni - a sort of...)

From:Mau Rauszer <maurauser@...>
Date:Monday, August 12, 2002, 5:58
Joe  <joe@...> 2002.08.11. 17:19:58 -7h-kor írta:

> <snip interesting stuff> > > Nice. I like Infixes. I note the grammar seems fairly detailed also. Well, > you now have the largest Vocabulary of words here... That's almost enough to > use in everyday speech.
Yeah, but most of them are synonimes -- and that's Meyadhew, a language with a bit undetailed grammar.not Long Wer my preferred. In LW I've to invent new words when it comes to modern human world.
> Excuse me sir, where is the nearest toilet?
Aniya Nweb, úgad ta dagatep runuqaya? { aniya = polite form of aya, Nweb = male form of Nub = gold but also used for "sire, lord" úgad = ú+gad 'is+where' dagatep = daga+tep = 'place (of) stool' runuqaya = run+nuq+aya = 'little+distance+adj.suffix' }
> I am an antidisestablishmentarian*
Yú tepadanamyataya. { Yú = 'I am', tepadanamyataya = 'tepa+danamya+t+aya' = "anti-+disestabilish+ment+adj.suffix" = 'te+pa+dana+mya+t+aya' = "not+friend+deny+have+noun suff.+adj.suff." } // well, as in Glish, there're also self-made monster words :)
> My hovercraft is full of eels
Tiwiyapetir enebew shamalenqud.. { tiwiyapet = 'tiwiya+pet' = "ship (of) sky, air", enebew = 'en+neb+we' = "passive affix+all, full+3s.male" = "is filled (by sy)", shamalenqud = 'shama+lenq+u+d' = "flash+fish+plur.+loc." locative because they're in the ship now. }
> For God so loved the world, that he gave his one and only son, so that > whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life [ John 3:16]
Won leq Ingonyama ya Aman eq difede ua hiferen, nya naliwa ida fen etensafura mi inqefura sen. { won = "for when not for something but just for somebody done something", leq = 'love, like', Ingonyama = the creator element. Although all of her names have male gender the name ingonyama (fire-mother) remained female. Cats have a word for god, netyer, but it's not an absolute god but a god like christian angel. ya = past tense marker. Part of the verb leq but because of the definite subject it separates from the stem verb. Aman (from the root AMW) = the World. eq (*not* equal to qe) = "that", difede = 'di+fe/ef+de' = "give+3s.fem.+perfect tense marker"= "gave (had given)". ua = "one". hiferen = 'hi+fer+(e)n' = "son+her+acc. ending". nya = "so", naliwa = "believe", ida = "who/whatever", fen = 'him (3s.acc.)', etensaqera = 'et+en+sa+fu+ra' = "not+passive affix+perish+3pl+future tense marker" = "(they) shall not perish". mi = "but" inkefura = "(they) shall live", sen = "eternal, eternity". }
> You're welcome to make cultural adjustments.
Sildeher won udzsemate nebshitun sandaya. {Sildeher won doing sg = "that's a shining time for ..." = "you're welcome" (welcome is 'Sildeheryir' = "That' a shining time of our (two)"), udzsemate = 'udzsema+te' = 'udzs+ma(en)+te' = "do+thing+2s" ="do things+2s", nebshitun = 'nebshi+t+u+n' = "help+noun suff.+plur.+acc." = "helps", sandaya = 'sando+aya' = "culture+adj.suff." culture = Mey. thando. th died out from LW in an early period just after it became more than a dialect of Mey.In fact, cats never was able to say th. and dh } Nyah, how it looks like? -- Mau Ábrahám Zsófia alias Mau Rauszer | |


Joe <joe@...>