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Re: Grammar

From:# 1 <salut_vous_autre@...>
Date:Thursday, January 6, 2005, 7:02
here something on wich I work since yesterday.


definite            i
indefinite          e
demonstrative (far) u
             (near) U


1    O
2    a
3    E
+1   O~
1+2  aO~
1+3  EO~
+2   a~
2+3  aE~
+3   E~

the verbs are invariable and we paste a conjugaison particle to it

I would conjuge that way

     aspect                   tense
                      past   present  futur
progressive            p       t       k
perfective             b       d       g
prospective            p_h     t_h     k_h
continual              b_h     d_h     g_h
iterative              pf      tS      q&#967;
habitual               bv      dZ      G\R
pausative              pp\     ts      kx
résomptive             bB      dz      gG
ponctual               p_w     t_w     k_w
delimitative           b_w     d_w     g_w
durative               p_j     t_j     k_j
intentionnal           d_j     d_j     g_j
accidental             p\      s       x
generic                B       z       G

inceptive->            ^voiceless labio-dental plosive
         ->                    ^t_N    ^q

terminative->          ^voiced labio-dental plosive
           ->                  ^d_N    ^G\

(why do labiodental plosives are not in X-SAMPA? It makes it complicated to
place them in a board for that list)

voice           affirmativity
           basic  positif  négatif
active       a       u        a~
middles      E       i        E~
passive      O       o        O~
reciprocal   9       e        9~

I kept my idea of having 3 affirmativities and a reciprocal voice


Imperative  -
Indicative  m
Potential   F
Dubitative  n
Optative    J
Cohortative N
Hypothetic  N\

so the conjugaison would be a 2 or 3 sounds word next to the verb (before in
general but I think to make it comes after in a question)

cases and affixes

Abessive        -jE
"-ful"          -jE~
Agentive        -r\e
Causal          -jO
Benefactive     -jV
Comitative      -wi
Instructive     -ja
Instrumental    -ja~
Essive          -wi
Opposite        ju-
Possibility     -wa
Impossibility   -we
Partitive       -wo
« member of »   -jar\
« the one who » -jer\
nominatif       ->\(@) takes a schwa if it is before a consonant
accusatif       -h(@)
génitif         ->\h(@)


if eat is "stuk" and apple is "dok"

"I'm eating" is ">\O pam stuk h@dok"

Now I beggin to understand more the english language, I also think to use
composed verbs like in english, it's as interesting as it's something
inexistant in frensh, I don't know if it can be a disadvantage because I
don't master it perfectly, or an advantage because I don't beggin with ideas
about how to make it.

I like the fact than the link between "go up", "go down", "go out", and "go
in" is easier to perceive than in frensh between "monter", "décendre",
"sortir", and "entrer"

In english, by itself the word "go" doesn't means nothing but an abstract
idea of movement or changing. It needs the preposition "to" or an adverb to
mean something concreate.

Idea of changing like in "go crazy" that has no link with movement

That's the kind of thing I want

I could have a verb for the idea of consumation and add other words to mean
"eat", "drink", or "take medications"

I could have an idea of "voice" that would be precized in "talk", "speak",
"tell", "to tell (for a story)", "say", "sing", "scream", "cry"

An idea of "writing" that would be changed in "read" and "write". And these
could be precized by a third word to say "read for oneself", "read aloud",
"read to learn"

an idea of knowledge for "learn", "teach", and "know", "lore"

does one of you have somethig similar in his conlang? or better, knows a
natlang with something similar? I mean wich have it more than enlgish does


Tim May <butsuri@...>