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Re: New Lang: Igassik

From:Roger Mills <romilly@...>
Date:Monday, October 23, 2000, 4:52
Marcus Smith wrote:

>I've started on a new conlang. The grammar is bearly touched at this point, >but I'm having lots of fun with phonology. Telek was rather dull in this >respect, so I'm making up for it now. (Okay, truth be told, I'm doing field >work on a phonologically interesting language and I've been inspired. PIMA >ROCKS!) I'm calling it Igassik for now, but the name will undoubtablly >change since Igassik is the Telek word for it.>
(snip snip) I like this a lot. I'm also trying out a new lang. with somewhat simpler vowel harmony -- only /i e a u o/, where a form can have either all front vowels, or all high vowels, or all back, or all low. /a/ is outside the system (perhaps only in affixes) but fronts or backs depending on the other vowels. A more interesting feature (to me) is that it will have vowel deletion in alternate syllables; so for ex. its name can appear as either /prevli/ or /pervil/, presumably underlying {perevili}. That's as far as I've gotten........