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Re: CHAT: TECH: incorrect dating on posts

From:Sally Caves <scaves@...>
Date:Sunday, November 21, 1999, 23:47
Lars Henrik Mathiesen wrote:

> > But what to do about it???? > > Go into your control panels, under Date/Time, and use the Timezone tab > to tell your computer where it is living now. It will then achieve > enlightenment, and stop making posts that confuse Daniel's computer.
Well well well. This computer never ceases to amaze me. I had checked the time, but I never even thought of the timezone tab. I think that must have been reset when I took my computer in last month for a Y2K update. Everything ought to be working out for the better now. Sally ============================================================ SALLY CAVES (bragpage) (T. homepage) (all else) ===================================================================== Niffodyr tweluenrem lis teuim an. "The gods have retractible claws." from _The Gospel of Bastet_ ============================================================