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Re: Words for "Death"

From:Roger Mills <romilly@...>
Date:Thursday, August 7, 2003, 4:39
Arthaey Angosii forwarded:

> >For a medical paper on brain death we are wondering whether there are > >languages with > > > >(1) more than one word for the phenomenon we call ''death'' > >(2) no equivalent for the English word ''death'' > > > So, anyone with a conlang like that? He certainly only wants natlang > examples, but I'm interested in conlangs. :) >
For some reason, Kash has three related words: -horem 'to die'; derivs. mean 'dying, moribund; extinguish, turn off (a device e.g.); killed by accident; immortal -hombra 'dead'; no derivs., but it would be the base of... -kombra 'death', derivs. to kill; massacre These were created very early on, and actually hombra/kombra are phonologically incorrectly relatives of horem-- they should have -e not -a, but what the hell........ Since the Kash are relatively advanced medically, they no doubt know about "brain-dead" and perhaps "near-death experience". <cue theremin>I don't know if they have the concept of un-dead, though it would be _trahombra_. ("I see a land where people are dead, but yet alive..."--line from some ancient GradeZ Vampire movie......)</theremin>