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Re: Kinship terminology

From:Yoon Ha Lee <yl112@...>
Date:Monday, September 11, 2000, 22:33
On Mon, 11 Sep 2000, Thomas R. Wier wrote:

> I've been thinking about what Phaleran's kinship terminology should > be like, and I've kinda been wondering how y'all's languages handle > this -- any ideas? Is there any particular system to outline how the > kinship terminology is made up?
Seems to depend on culture. I still don't have the English 2nd and 3rd cousin things worked out, though I do have 2nd cousins. Korean kinship terms are very asymmetrical. There about twice as many kinship terms for relatives on the ego's father's side as on the ego's mother's side. There's a good website on this: I just bought a book on the Korean alphabet--a collection of essays by linguists focusing on Korean--and it's fascinating; the Pacific languages book was fun, but this is about a language I know. I don't even recognize the phonetic terminology used to describe half the phonemes--at least, they're not mentioned in Crystal's Encyclopedia or Fromkin that I recall. Coronal?? Tense/aspirated obstruents, plus just plain vanilla obstrunets? Meep? On the bright side, now I know what the IPA's are for Korean sounds I can say perfectly well (okay, okay, I have an American accent, but so what) and since I know what the *sounds* are I can probably generalize. :-) YHL