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Re: Evolution Tracking

From:Remi Villatel <maxilys@...>
Date:Wednesday, August 18, 2004, 22:20
Adam Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious wrote:

> Does anyone know of a good way to keep track of conlang evolution on > your computer? So far I've only been successful in keeping track on > pencil and paper.
I'm guess that by "keeping track of conlang evolution" you mean "keeping the old versions of your conlang". Do the same thing that with a paper: Use another white page. I mean: If you have all your conlang stuff in a folder named "conlang1" then, before making a big change like a grammatical or spelling global reform, copy the whole folder under the name "conlang2" and work in this folder from now on. At the next big change, copy "conlang2" as "conlang3"... and so on! I use this method and I already have (only) 9 old versions of my conlang that I can browse to laugh at myself. ;-) When you finally decide that you don't like the last change you just made, you can erase the last folder and go back to previous version, make a new copy and re-start a new change. Just my 2 hundredth of your currency, -- ================== Remi Villatel ==================