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Tirelat and related dialects

From:Herman Miller <hmiller@...>
Date:Tuesday, September 23, 2008, 3:18
As I've been going over the Tirelat vocabulary, I've noticed regular
correspondences between words in different versions of the vocabulary,
the sort of similarities you might find between different dialects of
the same language. For example, one "dialect" of Tirelat maintains a
distinct /dh/ sound, a voiced dental fricative, which in the "standard"
  dialect is an allophone of /d/ between vowels. But /dh/ in other
positions must have remained distinct for a while before merging with
/v/, as in "vaazi" (south), vs. "dházi" of the /dh/-retaining dialects.

Other correspondences are less systematic, e.g. "pjektë" vs. "píktu",
from the same source as Minza "piektø" (apricot). Originally these words
came from the Jarda vocabulary before I borrowed them into Tirelat and

In any case, this could be a good place to start if I want to go into
the fictional history of Tirelat, or maybe to create a more naturalistic
system of writing that was simplified by the Kjaginic reform.