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Re: Numerals was Re: Judajca

From:Herman Miller <hmiller@...>
Date:Thursday, August 22, 2002, 4:37
I don't yet have numerals for my newest language, Hinate~, but in an older
Zireen language (Zirinka) the basic numbers are:

1 vá:
2 zain
3 yaika
4 xu:
5 íx
6 tazâ
7 zizâ
8 câi

Zirinka (as well as most other Zireen languages) uses base 8, so 9 is
vá:câi, 10 is zaincâi, and so on.

Zariva has a very complicated number system that is based on multiples of
both 5 and 7. It would take too long for me to find the hand-written notes,
though. One of these days I really need to organize all that stuff (it was
easier to find before the move).

Tirelat uses base 12.

1 li
2 dlhaa
3 kim
4 rega
5 vaki
6 zem
7 telilh
8 syt
9 langu
10 nidi
11 fozha
12 kazh
144 yvazh
1,728 garhshi
20,736 hamaari
429,981,696 hamaazari
8,916,100,448,256 hamaazadlhaari
(etc. with infixed forms of -kim-, -rega-, and so on added to hamaaza-ri)

languages of Azir------> ---<>---
hmiller (Herman Miller)   "If all Printers were determin'd not to print any  email password: thing till they were sure it would offend no body,
\ "Subject: teamouse" /  there would be very little printed." -Ben Franklin