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Re: Numerals was Re: Judajca

From:Muke Tever <mktvr@...>
Date:Thursday, August 22, 2002, 1:44
From: "Muke Tever" <mktvr@...>
> Ibran: > diezsett ["dZEsET]
That [s] may vary, depending on how the speaker resolves [Sz]...
> * dos, triés, seis add "fuirt" mutation which hardens/geminates following > fricatives/stops, so: [do tR_ri kkat@] when counting...
[dO] of course. Kirumb (preliminarily): winos dóo stráis kitoris fiñki wist hifta ostow nía jisat hiñsat dojesat straysat kitorsat fiñjisat wissat hiftejisit ostowsat níoñsat wísat I expect at least <dojesat> and <hiftejisit> to be replaced by something analogical...(These are just the regular sound changes, from as best as I can get them...) 30 strísont 40 kitworsont 50 finkisont 60 wistont 70 hifcinsont 80 ostosont 90 niwiñsont 100 satoñ c = /tS/ j = /dZ/ ñ = /N/ o = /U/ *Muke! --


Jan van Steenbergen <ijzeren_jan@...>