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Re: conlanging during class (Re: Grammatical Summary of Kemata)

From:Barry Garcia <barry_garcia@...>
Date:Wednesday, December 12, 2001, 20:30
Mersoradang ku Yoon:
> >In any case, I've gotten away with murder in classes: doodling conscripts >or puzzling out vocabulary items, sketches of dragons and pegasi, working >on fantasy novels...the works.
I've noticed that at least here in university, professors dont care if you're paying attention or not, just as long as you aren't unterrupting them. I do a lot of drawing in classes or lectures i find boring and i've not had so much as a "i've noticed you dont seem to pay attention in class" from any of my professors. I'm usually writing in Saalangal script to keep it in my memory. I'm fairly fast at writing it now too.