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Re: Pronouncing "Boreanesia" (was: Kristian's name)

From:Barry Garcia <barry_garcia@...>
Date:Tuesday, October 31, 2000, 7:14
>Ditto here, with slight nitpick: /"bori@'niyZ@/. Faster might be >/"bory@'niyz@/. Remember--ingrained US phonemics habit: my y's are IPA >[j].
Crikey. My bad. Roger has the pronunciation right for me as well. Oh, and i probably have the wrong r in mine (American r......whatever the symbol is for it, /R/, no?) Question for robert: since you pronounce "boreanesia" as /borInISIa/, do you pronounce asia as /ejSIa/? (not too sure how the 'a' sound in that would be: /Ej/ or /ej/?). And, your pronunciation of Indonesia from what you said is interesting ;)). I'd say it like /Indo:nijZ@/ (something like that, taking how Roger wrote Boreanesia in IPA) _____________________________________________________ L A S T R E L L A G R A N D Lem alo smu tue rnm edo lon lnt aòa nuñ òog ua as!