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Re: Pronouncing "Boreanesia" (was: Kristian's name)

From:Robert Hailman <robert@...>
Date:Tuesday, October 31, 2000, 21:30
Barry Garcia wrote:
> Question for robert: since you pronounce "boreanesia" as /borInISIa/, do > you pronounce asia as /ejSIa/? (not too sure how the 'a' sound in that > would be: /Ej/ or /ej/?). And, your pronunciation of Indonesia from what > you said is interesting ;)). I'd say it like /Indo:nijZ@/ (something like > that, taking how Roger wrote Boreanesia in IPA)
That was a typo, I wasn't thinking. "Boreanesia" is /borIniZia/ in my speech in reality, I typed that far to quickly. The /S/ vs /Z/ problem is because I was doing that transcription in my head, and in my head I don't distinguish between voiced & unvoiced consonants. The improperly placed /I/s were just bone-headedness. I pronounce "Asia" /ejSia/, and Indonesia /Indo:niZia/ Of course, those pronouncions based on my typo are really interesting. Well, I'm sorry I decieved you into thinking I was an interesting person, it was really just a typo. ;o) -- Robert