> My web page, under construction, gives translations for 21 sentence so far, as
> pictographs (fragz.ttf font required) and as Roman alphabet glosses.
> The lexicon so far contains about 70 or 75 words and pictographs.
> --gary
re "I will create pictographs as needed to translate a series of
sentences from Graded Sentences for Analysis <gsfa_1.txt>. The original
sentence is given first, then the literal meaning of each pictograph,
and then the pictographs." from the website - the link to the graded
sentences doesn't work for me. Is the file on the server?
I ask as I'm in the midst of putting my latest conlang - Akat - through
its paces and finding a good set of graded sentences would be a great help.
Interestingly, Akat also gets written in a (sort of) logographic script:
the whole project has been fascinating for me and I wish others would
give it a go (sometimes seeing other people's attempts at drawing a
meaning helps give me a bit of inspiration for my own logographs) -
though the time needed to develop these systems is an obvious constraint.
Looking forward to seeing how Picto develops.