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Re: Using numberless substantives

From:Barry Garcia <barry_garcia@...>
Date:Tuesday, June 22, 1999, 3:24 writes:
>Well, many natlangs use numberless nouns (AFAIK Japanese, >Chinese, and I think most Asian languages). If they have >to specify a quantity they say "one" or "many" or whatever; >if not, they leave the noun alone.
this is true. Tagalog and other Philippine languages use a plural particle to make plurals. For instance, "mansanas" means apple (when i bring this up to Spanish speaking friends they can't believe that it just means apple =) ) . To make "apples" you use mga (/maNa/). So, that would be "mga mansanas". The noun isn't even touched at all. ____________________________________________________________________ "Bailando en el fuego con un gran deseo" - India ____________________________________________________________________