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basic vocab (expanding)

From:Jim Hopkins <espero9@...>
Date:Friday, September 22, 2000, 22:32
T asked whether maybe he should begin expanding the vocabulary of his
language before continuing to develop the grammar.

What I did with Druni was to develop just enough vocabulary to use in
experimenting with my grammatical constructions.  Once I was reasonably happy
with the grammar I then started translating and composing original pieces of
Druni literature.... creating vobulary as I went along.  This was along
process but greatly rewarding.  The present Druni word-stock is presently at
approximately 9,500 words.

The above message in Druni/Tá pitíit nobshéten Drunízhe:

T kashá bá rá aráfya tá gadansalóva vúnit shóla mabúgya cheykopyánor, táshi ú
tá dzoniakóva etarasháfya bishyátu.

Drúnizhe túmpi frelízhe tá gadansaláris etarshafyávu iguáya séti tá iktalósan
tá dzoniákit sitivenárun.  Ránti frelízhe anarákit onyávu shéri tá dzoniákey,
idatá tarúmya véy korúnya savánit Drúnit dralferenovó mabugyávu... tá
gadansalóva mashrá-mashrá vataranarízhe.  Iíd franárit rúzay chadunízhe
anarakafárit mezabéy onyáva.  Tá tsorníit Drúnit Gadansál séti hatrinízhe
9,500 gadanavá onyára sáy.

Jim H