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Re: Help with grammatical term

From:Mark J. Reed <markjreed@...>
Date:Sunday, August 24, 2008, 15:45
Depends on the meaning.  English "with" can be instrumental (e.g. "hit
the nail with the hammer"), etc.  But if you mean specifically with as
in "together with, along with", then maybe "combinative" or
"conjunctive"?  what exactly is the difference between using your
prefix and one meaning "and"?

On 8/24/08, Fredrik Ekman <ekman@...> wrote:
> What would the grammatical term be for a prefix that replaces the > preposition "with"? Would "inclusive" do the trick? > > Fredrik >
-- Sent from Gmail for mobile | Mark J. Reed <markjreed@...>


Fredrik Ekman <ekman@...>Comitative (was: Help with grammatical term)