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Re: USAGE: 2nd pers. pron. for God

From:Eamon Graham <robertg@...>
Date:Thursday, September 12, 2002, 10:26
> I go to an ELCA church myself, and "thou" is used in many of the songs.
Certainly, I've noticed that myself. Just as thou is used in religious poetry.
> I have never heard those. "He", etc. is the normal pronoun in every > ELCA church *I*'ve been to.
No, I believe these new pronouns for God are restricted to seminary (or at least the seminary I spent time at in SC - notice I didn't say graduated from, I'm going to go to a Swedish seminary next year hopefully) and haven't found their way to the lay people and the older clergy yet. They're a bit clumsy to use and the theological concepts they contain are radical to some people. And of course anywhere you go in the ELCA you'll find cultural and traditional differences - American Lutheranism is hardly a unified whole. Just look at the fact that there are (I believe) 18 different Lutheran denominations in America. Some are very conservative and some are quite liberal. You find the same spectrum in the ELCA. Cheers, Eamon