--- Dan Sulani <dnsulani@...>
> wrote:
>On 30 May, Sally Caves wrote:
>There have to be
>>idioms, metaphors. Any suggestions or conlang examples?
> In rtemmu, I would say:
>usinano dyuxoo`gfairduru, weris?
>u = the speaker doesn't know
>si = some people do know
>na = the speaker's thoughts are changing at a
> "normal" rate
This is interesting. What alternatives are there?
>no = the "dyuxoo`gfairduru" , as a concept, is changing slowly
>dyuxo = place
>o`g = connecting particle
>fai = away from me
>rduru = bodily waste
>we- = question
>-ris = location
>Thus, "bathroom" would come out roughly as
>"the place for ridding myself of bodily waste".
>(Ridding the outside of the body and the
>immediate vicinity after it's out. How the waste got out,
>is not part of this idiom.)
>Dan Sulani
>likehsna rtem zuv tikuhnuh auag inuvuz vaka'a.
>A word is an awesome thing.
Tom Pullman
"Dochuala as borb nad légha."
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