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Re: CHAT: silly names

From:Eric Christopherson <rakko@...>
Date:Sunday, March 18, 2001, 3:15
On Sun, Mar 18, 2001 at 12:18:02PM +1100, D Tse wrote:
> > > > And the urge to change names to attract tourists was not confined to 19th > > cent. Wales. In England the seaside resort hitherto known simply as > > "Weston-on-Sea" became, and still remains, "Weston-super-mare" (tho, alas, > > the last word is pronounced as tho it were a female horse!) > > A female horse with superpowers!
And would "super mare" even mean "near the sea" in Latin? I don't know much (classical) Latin, but in my mind it conjures up images of a town floating on the water ;) -- Eric Christopherson / *Aiworegs Ghristobhorosyo