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Re: Apical pronoun in english?

From:Adam Walker <carrajena@...>
Date:Thursday, March 4, 2004, 14:38
--- Remi Villatel <maxilys@...> wrote:
> Hi everybody, > > I'm tranlating my conlang pages in English and I'm > stuck. In French, I > created an apical pronoun, the neologism "iel". > > il + elle = iel [jEl] > elle + lui = ellui [ElHi] > son, sa, ses = (Unchanged because gender here > applies to the possession.) > > <Je m'adresse à ellui. Je lui parle. Iel m'écoute.> > > What kind of neologism would create a native english > speaker? > > he + she = *hes [his] > him + her = *hem [h@m] > his + her = *hir [hir] >
I've seen "shem" and "heeshee" used as , well slurrs, for persons of ambiguous gender and/or those of either gender trying to present themselves as the other.
> <I am talking to hem. Hes is listening to me.> > > I refuse to call my Aliens "it"! So? Native english > speakers, it's your job > to create new words en English. What kind of word > would you use if apical > Aliens land just on the lawn of the UNHQ and refuse > to be called either "he" > or "she"? (Theorical hypothesis...) ;-) >
A.C. Crispin used "hin" in her Starbridg series for the pre-adolescent members of a race that only became gendered after adolescence. I've struggled with pronoun usage, too. It's rather difficult to use English to write stories about aliens with *five* genders. I ended up using Greek letter designations for the genders - alpha, beta, gamma, delta, epsilon. Adam
> See ya, > > ===================== > Remi Villatel > > =====================
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