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Re: All-important phrases

From:Padraic Brown <elemtilas@...>
Date:Friday, August 2, 2002, 0:46
--- Christopher Wright <faceloran@...> wrote:
> Bama! > > I guess the following aren't all-important phrases. > They are, however, > useful for testing basic grammar and vocabulary.
Tenxwwana Haryusha (in the Noble tongue): For the Talarian romanisation, doubled vowels are long; x = [x]; sh = [S]; ff = [f] (< [P] < [p]).
> Bears don't drink beer, do they?
shaltos-ne hercto-ca sewemam-ta-he; na-mat? drink-them-not bears-the soma-the-and; shaltos is 3du. generic ending of "shalomam"; -ne is a negative particle. hercto is nom. dual of "herctas"; -ca is the nearby generic spatial pronoun (i.e., literally "this"). sewemam is acc. s. of "sewemas"; -ta is the faraway generic spatial pronoun (i.e., literally "that"); -he is a discourse particle, roughly meaning "and", "now", etc. na is a negative particle; -mat is an interrogative particle. [The dual in Talarian has a number of uses beyond the simple paral dual. In this case, the dual has an extended function covering the collective. As such, it takes the dual verb because the assumption is that all participants in the verb (drink) are doing the same thing as a group. If they were were all doing something separately, we'd use the plural verb (and of course, they'd no longer be a collective.)]
> I would like French fries with my painful death.
xartaa-he has papar-ca memartaa-hamffi hamhatanar-ta-he. wanting I tatties-the dying-alongside hurting. xartaa is 1s indic. stative (nonresultive) of "want"; has is the 1s personal pronoun used with stative verbs. papar is meat paste stuffed tatties, all deep fried. Mm. Deep fried... memartaa is 1s indic. stative (resultive) of "die"; -hamffi is a postposition "along with", etc. hamhatanar is a verbal noun form of "hurt"; the form in -tan- yielding abstract nouns. Stative verbs are of two sorts, resultive and nonresultive depending on whether the described state is due to some external influence or not. Thus, "martaa" = "I am dead"; but "memartaa" = "I am murdered" or "I am slain". Talarian stative verbs take a peculiar set of pronouns unrelated to those used with the Active verbs, and are due to areal influence. The whole thing is hard to translate well, but might be something like: "I stand in want of fried tatties, while I it beslays me, indeed biding me in pain."
> Am I truly like such a fellow?
somtel: stahaa-mat has hawiray-sho-he? Truly, bestand-? I man-such-and? somtel is the locative of "truth". stahaa is 1s nonresultive stative (technically subjunctive, but there is no distinction in the statives); -mat is the interrogative particle. has = "I". hawiray is the dat. singular of "man"; sho is a pronoun root meaning something like "this kind", "such", etc.; -he is a discourse particle. So, "Truly, I bestand me like to this manner man?"
> Well, at least that was somewhat on-topic. How did > all of you handle your > salutatory expressions?
"Ahiee!" is what you say when approaching a house or group from afar. "Harapalete" is the usual response, and means 'door open'. "Itao" is what I'd say to thee for 'goodbye'; and "Ito maasoo" is the usual response and means 'fare well'. The -ao of "itao" (I am going) is an old ending, having assimilated to -aa. I guess that makes itao an archaism.
> Wright.
Padraic. -- cos-he haastan-sa-han yesam punerrohati-na-he; cosh-pe haastan-sa-utte yesam punerrohti-he. --Tacaniyyar vi. __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Health - Feel better, live better