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Re: Given Up on Roman Orthography

From:Vladimir Vysotskii <trivee@...>
Date:Thursday, January 14, 1999, 21:02
BPJ wrote:
>> In case anyone's interested, I've created a small Java applet which >> displays a string in an outline font. > >Could the applet be changed to *draw* the character rather than using a >font, defining each char as a low-resolution bitmap? That would overcome >the difficulty with downloading fonts, different computers using different >font formats, etc.
Well... The outline fonts can be scaled, sheared, rotated, mirrored, drawn in different colors, unlike the bitmap-based ones. Though the bitmap fonts can be much prettier, of course, if hand-drawn carefully. Also, in case I wasn't very clear, my applet doesn't use any of the existing outline file formats. Instead I've designed a simple text font format, which is interpreted by the applet without any necessity to download or install something. Anyway, if anyone wants to use this sort of technology (either outline- or bitmap-based) on their web pages, I'll be glad to help. Please visit my sample page at to see what I'm talking about. Of course, your browser has to support Java to see the applets. Regards, Vladimir.