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Re: Tan: Vulgarity

From:Kristian Jensen <kljensen@...>
Date:Thursday, June 3, 1999, 20:49
Sally Caves wrote:

>At any rate, you try to top the other person with an insult >about his/her fat mother, usually in the most extreme ways: "Your >mother's so fat, her feet haven't seen the sun in years!" "Well, >YOUR mother's so fat, when she fell into the pond with the hippos >at the zoo, instead of rescuing her, they threw peanuts at her!" >
It doesn't have to be insults on obesity. It can also be anything else like intelligence, age, looks, status, etc.: E.g., "Your Mama's so... ....stupid, she spent twenty minutes lookin' at the orange juice box because it said 'concentrate'. ....stupid, she put lipstick on her forhead, cause she wanted to make up her mind. ....old, when she was in school there was no history class. ....ugly, your father takes her to work with him so that he doesn't have to kiss her goodbye. ....poor, when I ring the doorbell she says 'DING!'. ....dark, she went to night school and was marked absent. ....hairy, Bigfoot took a picture of her. ....skinny, she turned sideways and disappeared. ....greasy, she uses strips of bacon for band-aids. -kristian- 8)