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From:Matt McLauchlin <matt_mcl@...>
Date:Saturday, September 16, 2000, 5:53
I regard a lot of my vocab as some of the more artistic parts of my conlang
to date.

I started with the basic wordlist from langmaker. As I wrote and found I
needed more and more words for the lexical fields I was exploring, I added
them piecemeal.

I used langmaker to come up with a hefty selection of phonologically
possible pseudo-words, and took them as needed, but I also came up with some
on my own, and also stole some cool words from various human languages. I
balanced all of this with the needs not to have any easily-recognizable
words; to stay within the phonological constraints I'd set up; to go for
sound and sense patterning; and to keep the numbers of words in each
declension/conjugation more or less equal.

Blessed be,                        Écartons ces romans
Matt McLauchlin                          qu'on appèle systèmes,
GM18, Montreal, Canada             Et pour nous éléver
English/français/esperanto               descendons dans nous-mêmes.
icq: 4420218                               -Voltaire

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