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Re: Demotic/Koine/Prakit

From:John Cowan <jcowan@...>
Date:Friday, April 7, 2000, 19:32
Raymond Brown wrote:

> In the sense that it's used as an IAL, it is a 'lingua franca'. But the > latter term sometimes implies some degree of creolization - a koine does > not.
In fact, I understand "koine" to refer specifically to the result of a fusion of dialects. For example, Yiddish started out as a Judeo-German koine, and then differentiated into dialects when it expanded beyond Germany. (The Yiddish of Germany went extinct in the late 19th or early 20th centuries; by the time of the Holocaust, essentially all German Jews spoke standard or regional German.) -- Schlingt dreifach einen Kreis um dies! || John Cowan <jcowan@...> Schliesst euer Aug vor heiliger Schau, || Denn er genoss vom Honig-Tau, || Und trank die Milch vom Paradies. -- Coleridge (tr. Politzer)