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Re: Demotic/Koine/Prakit

Date:Friday, April 7, 2000, 18:23
On Thu, 6 Apr 2000, Mike Adams wrote:

> Demotic=Egyptian late, actually a writing form.
Actually, "Demotic" can also refer to Greek tongues, the "Dhimotiki", or "vulgar Greek". It was denigrated and downplayed by the 20th-century Greek state, but it is the natural modern form of Greek, as opposed to "Kathieravesa", which is at least partially a conlang. It's quite enlightening to see the same passages in Attic, Koine, Kathieravesa, and Dhimotiki, side by side.
> Koine=Greek, can be a term for a lingua franca!?
Actually, Koine refers to a specific form of Greek--a Greek-based lingua franca common to the eastern Mediterranean roughly 2,000 years ago.