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Re: Relay

From:Padraic Brown <pbrown@...>
Date:Wednesday, May 30, 2001, 17:04
On Wed, 30 May 2001 bjm10@CORNELL.EDU wrote:

>But at the end, when the final is assembled, a smooth English translation >taken direct from each conlang would be needed?
Indeed. This way all of us (as well as any unsuspecting Outsiders) can get the full meaning of the text without having to go through each grammar/lexicon and original text. I also think it's helpful to add a nonideomatic translation - one that follows the flavour of the original as closely as possible, so others can get a taste for what our conlangs are like to the native speakers. Thus, "Il maps courtès ac h-astut ys ochelles le yen e thots ys captasot ke ne yen in le ndrichlen le Roy March ne si movuont pass." gets the smooth translation: "That couteous and astute lad had so captured the attention of everyone that no one in King Mark's hall moved." as well as the more word-for-word "The lad courteous and sharp the eyes of one and all he captured that not one in the hall of King Mark moved himself at all." Of course, _within_ the relay, you won't get any of that! Padraic.

