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Re: CHAT: Worse Greek 102 (was: Bad Latin 101)

From:John Cowan <jcowan@...>
Date:Friday, February 2, 2001, 16:13
Georgius scripsit:

 > The latter form has always puzzled me.  _Viri_ is understandable, from
 > thinking it's an o-stem,

It *is* an o-stem, a neuter o-stem (there are a few others).  But it's
a mass noun meaning 'poison, slime, gunk' and no plural is recorded.
(English uses "viruses" for the pl. of the modern sense.)

 > but whence the second _i_ in _virii_?  This
 > would require an underlying singular form _**virius_.

Indeed.  Priscian's head shrinks, cracks.

There is / one art             || John Cowan <jcowan@...>
no more / no less              ||
to do / all things             ||
with art- / lessness           \\ -- Piet Hein