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Re: Sound changes

From:daniel andreasson <danielandreasson@...>
Date:Thursday, August 29, 2002, 13:30
BP Jonsson skrev:

> Andreas Johansson: > > I think what I hear is mainly that the second > > syllable of _anden_ "the wild duck" is a bit less > > unstressed than that of _anden_ "the spirit".
> Strange, since I would say the opposite is the case.
Yes. Perhaps he meant "stressed" instead of "unstressed". I had a prof who claimed that the difference between grave and acute accent wasn't one of pitch accent. He thought that the grave accent actually was a word just stressed equally at two syllables. Of course, he's originally from the US and also has some odd theory about the origin of language, but still. Grave accent definitely has a stronger stress on the last syllable than has the acute accent. ||| daniel -- danielandreasson @ | "You can't post that on the Internet, you don't even know if it's true!" - Lisa Simpson to Homer.